JC General Paper Essays

Prepare for the H1 General Paper essay: Prepare essay outlines

You will need to prepare many essay outlines if you want to succeed in GP.

Success in GP also comes about from strong preparation in terms of writing and preparing essay outlines. As the saying goes, practice makes perfect - but also remember that practice makes permanent too! 

First, look for GP essay questions (you can find some on JC General Paper Essays) that you can practise, and then start preparing essay outlines to the essay questions related to your chosen themes and topics that you have read and prepared for.

Start preparing your essay outlines, being careful to link to your readings and conducting additional research where necessary. I normally like to write long points and elaborate by using sub bullet points, but some prefer to use tables, in the form of graphic organisers. You could also create information tables or draw mind-maps with information and arguments that you will be using in an examination. As for writing by hand or typing out information - each has pros and cons, that you should discover for yourself. 

Having long and detailed essay outlines will be useful and relevant for examination preparation for GP. 

If your essay outlines are detailed and well-researched, this will help you during memorisation later. In addition, if these outlines are detailed and well-researched, this will help you think through your approaches (structure and style of your writing) and content (your studying and reading of your themes). As you start to prepare essay outlines, you can find out if you really understand your topic or if you have been merely skimming through difficult and challenging arguments. This would help you plug gaps in your understanding, and make you an even better expert on your themes.

Also remember to answer the questions posed rather than answering essay questions that you think have been asked. 

Examiners are often very happy to give high marks and good grades to students who answer the questions by responding to and addressing accurately what is required.


You will need to prepare many detailed, well-researched essay outlines of essay questions related to your theme if you want to succeed in crafting your winning GP essay.

JC General Paper Essays – how to prepare for GP