JC General Paper Essays

Welcome to JC General Paper Essays!

Welcome to JC General Paper Essays. This is my first introductory post, which will kick off lots of interesting and thought-provoking essays to come in future. 

General Paper essays are often more affectionately known as GP Essays, and many students around the world, not just in the United Kingdom and Singapore have to write essays. 

When I was teaching, many of my students (I taught Economics and Project Work) often asked me: 

Sir, how can I improve on my writing? 

How can I write better GP essays?

I thought to myself, what better way to help students improve in their writing by showcasing examples of good essays and by sharing secrets, tips, and techniques for improvement in GP

In this blog, I will write about a variety of academic topics and share GP essays, written by myself and also contributed by kind readers and former students. I will aim to have a high standard and hold students to achieve greater heights in their writing and argumentation. 

I seek to share and showcase examples of good General Paper essays as well as share ideas and practices on good writing, how to craft argumentative paragraphs, and argue strongly for and against various positions. 

In other words, this will be a blog about good writing - really, about how to write good essays

Students can improve by reading more, and this site will one day be a one-stop point for students to read excellent essays and learn more about the art of quality, impactful, and significant essay writing. 

Thank you for reading and cheers. 

JC General Paper Essays - H1 "A" level Junior College General Paper (GP) Essays